Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm Back!

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has helped me or wished me well during the past two weeks as I've struggled with some health issues. You all rock!

Second of all, I want to express my disappointment that when I updated my totals, I'm down to a savings of only 68% (it was my own secret goal to maintain a 75% average or better), but I've had to change my diet significantly and drastically in the last two weeks, so we'll see how it goes. I'm also lucky to have received about $100 in rebates I submitted in late December/early January, so that will help me bridge the budget gap as I'm learning to adjust my eating/shopping habits.

Thirdly, I'm SOOOO happy to announce that Harris Teeter is doing ANOTHER SUPER DOUBLES!!! Yes, you read right, SUPER DOUBLES is happening again, for the SECOND time in the last two months! If you are a newbie, this means that any coupon value up to $1.98 will DOUBLE in value (HT will double 3 like coupons per transaction and 20 per day). $1 coupons are worth $2, $1.50 coupons are worth $3, etc! I will make sure to post about the trips I make this week!